Here you can read about the scientific articles that have been written within the project LIFE SURE
Article in Science of The Total Environment Länk till annan webbplats.
Dredged sediments as a plant-growing substrate: Estimation of health risk index. Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper for the WODCON22 proceedings “ Low-flow sediment removal and beneficial use of sediments, experiences from the LIFE SURE project” Pdf, 155.8 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Paper for the WODCON22 proceedings “ Environmental monitoring of a dredging project with a focus on the dewatering treatment system” Pdf, 76.1 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Sustainable management of dredged sediments: potential recovery of valuable compounds
In September 2022, Laura Ferrans successfully defended her PhD research which was based on the monitoring and evaluations of the LIFE SURE project. Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper for the Sednet 2021 conference
Using dredged sediments as a plant-growing substrate : New source of nutrients Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper publication in Resource, Environment and Sustainability.
“Chemical extraction of trace elements from dredged sediments into a circular economy perspective: Case study on Malmfjärden Bay south-eastern Sweden” Länk till annan webbplats.
Papers for the Ecotech papers 2020 Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper publication in Chemosphere, Elsevier.
Chemical speciation of metals from marine sediments: Assessment of potential pollution risk while dredging, a case study in southern Sweden” Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper publication in Advances in Geosciences
“Characterization of dredged sediments: A first guide to define potential valuable compounds, case of Malmfjärden bay, Sweden. Länk till annan webbplats.
Paper for the Goldschmidt conference
“Fluorescence Spectroscopy – Applied Tool for Organic Matter Analysis”
Paper for the Linnaeus ECO TECH 2018 conference
“Characterization of Marine Sediments and its Potential for Resource Recovery – Case of Malmfjärden Bay, Sweden.”
A short description of the background and objectives of the LIFE SURE project.
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Dredging in Malmfjärden Bay in Kalmar, Southeast of Sweden.
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The coming years, the Mudster and the water treatment site will stay in and at the bank of Malmfjärden bay as the s
Here you can find our contact information.
Projektet LIFE SURE har tagit fram en helt ny muddringsteknik som inte ska påverka miljön på ett negativt sätt.