LIFE SURE results

LIFE SUREs solution is an automatic slow-dredging system solution that removes and dewaters sediments cost-effective, with low energy-use and with very low environmental impact and with similar or better cost effectiveness than traditional techniques.

The LIFE SURE solution is highly innovative as it is automatic (no permanent staff needed on site), silent, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, mobile and easy to use. To develop a new technology has its challenges. It took the project a few years, but after many tests, several restarts and new designs, the project could finally show a working solution.

During the project, an intensive monitoring and evaluation program was executed by researchers at Linnaeus University, giving the solution a solid base with supporting environmental and cost-effectiveness data. Whereas traditional dredging can disturb the marine environment, LIFE SUREs automated robots Mudster remove soft sediments without causing cloudiness or disturb the aquatic ecosystem. On the treatment site, the sediments are dewatered using a polymer and geotextiles. This solution proved to be cost effective and had low environmental impact. The water that is released to the bay is very clean.

By using the LIFE SURE solution, the dewatered sediments can be used in several beneficial ways, thus contributing to a transition to a circular economy. During the project pilot tests have been done with sediment use for growing subtracted and for construction and infrastructure. Several follow-up initiatives have started to replicate the LIFE SURE solution and to further develop beneficial sediment applications.

LIFE SURE has organised 9 seminars, of which two special sessions at Ecotech and a final conference. The project was also presented at 46 conferences, workshops and network meetings, such as CEDA Dredging days, PIANC, WODCON22, Sednet, Goldschmidt conference, the EGU assembly and the Swedish National Conference for Marine Restauration. Through these activities, the project has reached about 1800 researchers, students, stake holders and experts all over the world.

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Follow-up projects

The coming years, the Mudster and the water treatment site will stay in and at the bank of Malmfjärden bay as the s

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På svenska

Projektet LIFE SURE har tagit fram en helt ny muddringsteknik som inte ska påverka miljön på ett negativt sätt.

Senast uppdaterad: 14 januari 2025
Publicerad: 16 maj 2023