Culture, leisure and events

En kille i flytväst och hjälm åker wakeboard i vattnet

For those who have, or want to find hobbies, there are many different associations to get involved in regarding culture, sports, and leisure. Many activities are also completely free and easily accessible to everyone!

Students' top 3 on the best hangout out in nature

  1. Skälby, 4H-gård Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
  2. Kalmarsundsparken
  3. Stensö

Fler sidor inom to do - city life and quality of life

Keep your self updated on Kalmar!

Here you will find links for how to best take in the whole of Kalmar!


Some information about what shopping opportunities there are in Kalmar

Publicerad: 2 november 2022